FROM THE WINY RADIO NEWSROOM: Artist Elaine Turner and her husband John delivered the new, hand-painted sign to Stove King, Inc. in Putnam today, just in time for their Grand Opening Celebration this weekend. We caught up with Turner who talked about the sign. “I happened to stop by and was talking to Matt about a stove because we are thinking about burning wood again, and we got into an art conversation and he said he was trying to get a sign done but he didn’t want a plastic sign, he wanted wood. He wanted something authentic that would complement his store. I told him that I have done quite a few signs and the Art Guild would be very interested in the job. We shook hands, he handed me a check, and here we are today with his new sign.” Turner is the Community Liason and Past President of Art Guild Northeast. Stove King Owner Matt Brazeau and his wife Ashlee are delighted with the sign which will be installed as soon as possible. “It took a couple of months to create the sign and Ashlee contributed to the design. She has a great eye for design”, said Turner. Stove King is located at 80 Front Street in downtown Putnam (the former Putnam Farmer’s Co-Op building) and the official Grand Opening will be this Saturday and Sunday, August 19th and 20th from 9 am to 5 pm. WINY 1350 AM and 97.1 FM will broadcast LIVE Saturday morning beginning at 9 am and The Putnam Business Association and Town of Putnam Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held at 10 am Saturday morning.

Photo: WINY Radio.