Arts & Framing Exhibit
Venue: Arts & Framing, 136 Main Street, Putnam, CT
Title/Theme: Fall Inspired
Exhibit Coordinator (EC): Pam Lee,
Eligibility: Art Guild members 18 years or older who are current with dues.
Deadline Date for Entry: Tuesday, September 25, 2023
Drop Off/Hang Date & Time: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 1-3pm
Strike/Pick up Date & Time: TBD
Reception Date & Time: none
Venue Commission & Management of Artwork Sales: 25% commission to Arts & Framing
Number of Artworks Allowed: 2-3 pieces depending on space. Arts & Framing decides what will be hung.
Acceptable Artwork sizes/types/ hanging system info: Pieces need to be no smaller than an outside dimensions of 16×20 inches and up to 30×40 inches large. Please include a secure wire hanger on back and frame if less than 2 inch deep canvas. Coordinator will hang all Artwork.
Labels: Print, complete and attach LABELS to bottom right back of each artwork. Do not attach labels to wire. If no computer access is available, labels may be requested from the Exhibit Coordinator. artwork-labels
Artist Bio: Each artist who has not already done so, is encouraged to provide a brief artist’s bio for the Art Guild NE exhibit binder (8” x 8”).
Artwork Liability: The Venue and Art Guild are not responsible for loss or damage to any work of art.
Other Requirements: On arrival at venue, artists must sign in on their prospectus with the EC and complete the Master sheet, a record of all exhibited works, and a gallery card for each work entered into exhibit.
At pick-up, Artists or their designees must show an ID and sign out artworks on the prospectus.
Please note: Members who commit to enter one or more pieces in an exhibit agree to drop off their artwork within the time frames and at the location described in the prospectus/entry form. If a member is unable to do this personally, he/she should find someone to take the artwork for them or call the exhibit coordinator at least 24 hours in advance to discuss the possibility of another arrangement. If art is not present by the end of the drop off period, that member’s work will not be exhibited and the member forfeits any hanging fee.
Members who are unable to pick up their artwork within the scheduled pick-up period at the designated location should find someone to pick-up work for them or contact the exhibit coordinator at least 24 hours in advance to discuss the possibility of another arrangement.
Failure to meet either of the above obligations will result in a temporary ban from exhibiting. One infraction will result in a ban from exhibiting from the next show. Two infractions will result in a ban from the next two shows. More than two infractions will be discussed by the Board.