
  • The Boxcar Children Mural Ribbon Cutting

    FROM THE WINY RADIO NEWSROOM: OVER 60 IN ATTENDANCE MONDAY, December 4, 2023, FOR THE RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY FOR THE BOXCAR CHILDREN ART WALL, located on South Main Street in Putnam near the Gertrude Chandler Warner Boxcar Children Museum. To…

  • Box Car Children Mural Coming to Putnam!

    Our very own Elaine Turner has designed a Box Car Children mural to cover the retention wall on Front Street adjacent to the museum. The mural will include all 19 original book covers along with various characters and quotes intermingled.…


    FROM THE WINY RADIO NEWSROOM: Artist Elaine Turner and her husband John delivered the new, hand-painted sign to Stove King, Inc. in Putnam today, just in time for their Grand Opening Celebration this weekend. We caught up with Turner who…

  • MLK Mural at the Hale YMCA Reveal

    Written by WINY: Muralist and artist, Emida Roller, of Putnam, was asked to create and lead the way to bring one of the thirty-nine planned MLK39: Racial Equity Tour murals to Putnam. This project is a partnership between the organization…

  • Barrel Project

    Remember these trash barrels? After many weeks of sanding and painting the barrels are back out on the streets! Each barrel is a unique work of art illustrating local businesses, community gathering places and just a few of the quirky…