Corridor Gallery Exhibit
About: This exhibit will allow Art Guild members to showcase their best work and will be an opportunity to exhibit larger pieces.
Venue: Corridor Gallery, Municipal Complex 200 School St, Putnam, CT
Title/Theme: None
Key Dates:
- Deadline Date for Registration: December 16, 2024 or when full.
- Drop Off/Hanging Date & Time: TBD. Early January.
- Strike/Pick up Date & Time: TBD. Late March.
- Reception Date & Time: TBD, Mid-January.
Number of Artworks Allowed: 2-3, depending on size.
Acceptable Artwork sizes/types/ hanging system info: Artwork minimum size 8×10, maximum size is 40×40 inches, must be framed or 1.5-inch gallery wrap. Needs to be wired and no sawtooth hangers. The hanging committee will determine if all artworks can be hung in the allocated space. If not enough work is dropped off, artists may be contacted to bring additional pieces.
Hanging fee: $10 online payment
Venue Commission & Management of Artwork Sales: No Commission. Tags will have your name and artwork title, and the library will have a list of contact info. To purchase the collector will work with the artist directly.
Eligibility: Art Guild members who are current with dues.
Exhibit Coordinator’s (EC) Name: Elaine Turner,, 860-377-1869, Beth Johnston,, 401.633.2463
Labels: Labels will be printed for us. When registering, be sure all artwork details are accurate including Artist name, title, media, price and contact information (for sales).
Artwork Liability: The Venue and The Art Guild are not responsible for loss or damage to any work of art. We are insured if a piece falls and injures someone provided care was considered when hung. Please insure your own artwork if you are concerned about theft or damage.
Please note: Members who commit to an exhibit agree to drop off their artwork within the time frames and at the location described in the prospectus/entry form. If a member is unable to do this personally, he/she should find someone to take the artwork for them or call the exhibit coordinator at least 24 hours in advance to discuss the possibility of another arrangement. If art is not present by the end of the drop off period, that member’s work will not be exhibited and the member forfeits any hanging fee.
Members who are unable to pick up their artwork within the scheduled pick-up period at the designated location should find someone to pick-up work for them or contact the exhibit coordinator at least 24 hours in advance to discuss the possibility of another arrangement.
Failure to meet either of the above obligations will result in a temporary ban from exhibiting. One infraction will result in a ban from exhibiting from the next show. Two infractions will result in a ban from the next two shows. More than two infractions will be discussed by the Board.