Laura Tedeschi January 5, 2025 Laura Tedeschi Laura Tedeschi is a graphic designer and Illustrator living in Hampton, CT. She holds a BFA from UMASS at Dartmouth and has had a solo graphic design business for more that 30 years. She began working on this project in 2018 and had first show of this work in 2023 in Putnam Corridor Gallery. Artist’s Statement for “Afterlife Re-imagining 18th Century Grave Carvings”I have always loved cemeteries - the stories the stones told - the peacefulness of the grounds. While visiting cemeteries in Eastern Connecticut, I was struck by the primitive and exuberant carvings on the oldest headstones. Many are reminiscent of art & design from other early cultures. I had often imagined applying color to gravestone designs and now I was truly inspired. How would the art be altered? Would the art transform in vibrant hues? Could it breathe life into the somber, gray stones, and perhaps offer a glimpse into the spirits of those resting beneath? The Afterlife project seeks to answer these questions, allowing the soul image to “speak” with color. I do not view these pieces as solely my own work. The foundation for these creations lies in the imagination of the talented, often self-taught stone carvers who crafted these memorials and created a truly American folk-art form. My intent is to celebrate this unique New England creativity evoking the spirits of those memorialized and breathing fresh life into their remembrance. Afterlife -1700’s Gravestone Art HamptonFeatherCarver Dear-Damaris Hair-of-Heaven-2 Assured-of-Heaven Rising-Sun Brooklyn-Egytian Kimball-Batik-Dyptich2 Soul-Stare Sea-God Tree-of-Life Previous Marcia Donofrio